As I begin this new adventure of opening a photography studio, I wanted to give you all a quick welcome! As you can see the website is a work in progress...don't worry I am working as hard as possible to get everything up and visible.
Welcome to Frame On You Photography in Hendersonville, TN. For as long as I can remember, I have been running around with a camera in my hand. As a child, I would take pictures of the animals in my grandparent's backyard. They always had a great flock of ducks and geese, a pack of Dobermans, and a Parrot named Hector. Each of them made great subjects, although I have to wonder if my grandmother grew weary of developing film roll after film roll of the same subject matter over and over again. As I got older, she gave me her Yashica FX-2 SLR fueling my love of being behind the shutter even more.
Today, I use a Canon Mirrorless R6 with a variety of lenses to capture my subjects. My favorite photography is Boudoir. I just love seeing women feel empowered, sexy, and proud of their bodies after they experience a shoot and see their images. They go from "I look terrible in photographs", "I hate how my XYZ (name any body part) looks", and "I need to lose 15 pounds", to viewing themselves and understanding they are beautiful and sexy. That results in them feeling more confident and comfortable in their bodies and skin.
The other style I enjoy is portrait photography. This type of photography allows me to show the story the subject wants to tell. Through their props, poses, clothing, and facial expressions we convey a message- one that is personal and meaningful... From Musicians, Athletes, Professionals, and Pets, there are many stories to be told and many ways to tell them. I have the honor of helping someone express their story through a combination of art and expression.
Are you ready to tell your story...Capture Your Moment In Time at Frame On You Photography!